100s of extensive peer reviewed publications and studies utilizing MammaPrint + BluePrint have observed benefits from treatment in the following areas of clinical utility:

Scientific evidence for clinical utility.

By continually expanding and strengthening our database of proven research including 20+ years of clinical validation and 200+ research collaborations, we have gained widespread trust in the precision, accuracy and quality of our MammaPrintยฎ and BluePrintยฎ test suite.


Equivalence of NGS-based MammaPrint 70-gene signature risk of recurrence and BluePrint 80-gene signature of molecular subtyping tests to the centralized microarray tests

Publication: ESMO BREAST CANCER CONGRESS 2022 Authors Esther Schuler(1), Sahra Uygun(2), Lorenza Mittempergher(3), Darina Pronin(3), Sammy Mee(2), Simon Bao(2), Tyson Cavness(2), Anke Witteveen(3), and Annuska Glas(3) 1. Zotz|Klimas, MVZ Dรผsseldorf-Centrum GbR, Germany 2. Agendia Inc., Irvine, CA 3. Agendia NV., Amsterdam, Netherlands Background The MammaPrintยฎ 70-gene signature (70GS) risk Read More