Validation Data

Evidence / Validation

Long-Term Impact of the 70-Gene Signature on Breast Cancer Outcome

PUBLICATION: Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2014 Feb;143(3):587-92. doi: 10.1007/s10549-013-2831-4. Epub 2014 Jan 21. AUTHORS: Drukker C.A., van Tinteren H., Schmidt M.K., Rutgers E.J., Bernards R., van de Vijver M.J., Van't Veer L.J. SUMMARY: MammaPrint showed a significant absolute difference in DMFS and OS at 25 years between the patients with Read More

Comparison of Molecular Subtyping with BluePrint, MammaPrint, and TargetPrint to Local Clinical Subtyping in Breast Cancer Patients

PUBLICATION: Ann Surg Oncol. 2012 Oct;19(10):3257-63. doi: 10.1245/s10434-012-2561-6. Epub 2012 Aug 15. AUTHORS: Nguyen B., Cusumano P.G., Deck K., Kerlin D., Garcia A.A., Barone J..L, Rivera E., Yao K., de Snoo F.A., van den Akker J., Stork-Sloots L., Generali D. SUMMARY: The concordance between BluePrint and IHC/FISH subtyping was 94% Read More

Gene Expression Profiles from Formalin Fixed Paraffin Embedded Breast Cancer Tissue are Largely Comparable to Fresh Frozen Matched Tissue

PUBLICATION: PLoS One. 2011 Feb 11;6(2):e17163. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0017163. AUTHORS: Mittempergher L., de Ronde J.J., Nieuwland M., Kerkhoven R.M., Simon I., Rutgers E.J., Wessels L.F., Van't Veer L.J. SUMMARY: We demonstrate that data generated from FFPE material with the DASL assay, if properly processed, are comparable to data extracted from the Read More

Biological Functions of the Genes in the MammaPrint® Breast Cancer Profile Reflect the Hallmarks of Cancer

PUBLICATION: Biomarker Insights. 2010 Nov 28;5:129-38. doi: 10.4137/BMI.S6184. AUTHORS: Tian S., Roepman P., Van't Veer L.J., Bernards R., de Snoo F., Glas A.M. SUMMARY: The study included 3090 clinical low-risk patients with unifocal and 238 patients with multifoGenes in the MammaPrint gene signature comprehensively measure the six hallmarks of cancer-related Read More

Clinical Utility of the 70-gene MammaPrint Profile in a Japanese Population

PUBLICATION: Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology, Volume 40, Issue 6, June 2010, Pages 508–512, AUTHORS: Makoto Ishitobi, Teodora E. Goranova, Yoshifumi Komoike, Kazuyoshi Motomura, Hiroki Koyama, Annuska M. Glas, Ellen van Lienen, Hideo Inaji, Laura J. Van't Veer, Kikuya Kato SUMMARY: A small observational study in a Japanese Cohort Read More