100s of extensive peer reviewed publications and studies utilizing MammaPrint + BluePrint have observed benefits from treatment in the following areas of clinical utility:

Scientific evidence for clinical utility.

By continually expanding and strengthening our database of proven research including 20+ years of clinical validation and 200+ research collaborations, we have gained widespread trust in the precision, accuracy and quality of our MammaPrint® and BluePrint® test suite.


Mammographic Screening Detects Low-Risk Tumor Biology Breast Cancers

PUBLICATION: Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2014 Feb;144(1):103-11. doi: 10.1007/s10549-013-2830-5. Epub 2014 Jan 28.7 AUTHORS: Drukker C.A., Schmidt M.K., Rutgers E.J., Cardoso F., Kerlikowske K., Esserman L.J., van Leeuwen F.E., Pijnappel R.M., Slaets L., Bogaerts J., Van't Veer L.J. SUMMARY: Among the screen-detected cancers, 32 % had a 70-gene signature high-risk Read More

Long-Term Impact of the 70-Gene Signature on Breast Cancer Outcome

PUBLICATION: Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2014 Feb;143(3):587-92. doi: 10.1007/s10549-013-2831-4. Epub 2014 Jan 21. AUTHORS: Drukker C.A., van Tinteren H., Schmidt M.K., Rutgers E.J., Bernards R., van de Vijver M.J., Van't Veer L.J. SUMMARY: MammaPrint showed a significant absolute difference in DMFS and OS at 25 years between the patients with Read More

Estrogen Receptor Splice Variants as a Potential Source of False-Positive Estrogen Receptor Status in Breast Cancer Diagnostics

PUBLICATION: Breast Cancer Res Treat (2013) 140:475–484 DOI 10.1007/s10549-013-2648-1 AUTHORS: Floris H. Groenendijk, Wilbert Zwart, Arno Floore, Stephanie Akbari, Rene Bernards ABSTRACT: It is well established that only estrogen receptor (ER)-positive tumors benefit from hormonal therapies. We hypothesized that a subgroup of breast cancer patients expresses estrogen receptor α (ERα), Read More

Potential Impact of the 70-gene Signature in the Choice of Adjuvant Systemic Treatment for ER Positive, HER2 Negative Tumors: a Single Institution Experience

PUBLICATION: Breast. 2013 Aug;22(4):419-24. doi: 10.1016/j.breast.2013.03.013. Epub 2013 May 3. AUTHORS: Torrisi R., Garcia-Etienne C.A., Losurdo A., Morenghi E., Di Tommaso L., Gatzemeier W., Sagona A., Fernandes B., Rossetti C., Eboli M., Rubino A., Barbieri E., Andreoli C., Orefice S., Gandini C., Rota S., Zuradelli M., Masci G., Santoro A., Read More