Breast Cancer Res Treat. (2019) 175: 389.

R. Wuerstlein, R. Kates, O. Gluz, E.M. Grischke, C. Schem, M. Thill, S. Hasmueller, A. Kรถhler, B. Otremba, F. Griesinger, C. Schindlbeck, A. Trojan, F. Otto, M. Knauer, R. Pusch, N. Harbeck, WSG-PRIMe investigators in Germany, Austria, Switzerland

MammaPrint and BluePrint test results strongly impacted physiciansโ€™ therapy decisions in luminal EBC with up to three involved lymph nodes. The high adherence to genetically determined risk assessment represents a key prerequisite for achieving a personalized cost-effective approach to disease management of early breast cancer.

Read more: Wuerstlein et al_2019_Breast Cancer Res Treat._Strong Impact of MammaPrint and BluePrint…