A global leader in innovative genomic
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Media Releases
Agendia Announces First Patient Enrolled in PROOFS Registry Trial to Determine Optimal Treatment and Ability to Forgo Chemotherapy for Premenopausal Women with Early HR+ Breast Cancer
Agendia partners with the West German Study Group to determine the benefit of ovarian function suppression, potentially reducing overtreatment with chemotherapy Trial reinforces Agendia’s progress in developing practice-changing evidence to improve personalized cancer care Read More
Updated NCCN® Guidelines Recognize MammaPrint® UltraLow Risk Result, Highlighting its Clinical Utility for Women with Early-Stage Breast Cancer Who Can Safely Forgo Toxic Treatments with Excellent Survival Rates
Includes level one evidence that MammaPrint can help prevent unnecessary chemotherapy¹ and endocrine therapy² Confirms Agendia’s unique ability to identify tumors that have a very low risk of distant metastasis which can have implications for Read More
Agendia Level 1B Evidence Shows MammaPrint is the First and Only FDA-cleared Gene Expression Profiling Test to Predict Benefit from Extended Endocrine Therapy in Early-Stage Breast Cancer Patients
Late-breaking abstract at the 2022 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium (SABCS) will illustrate MammaPrint’s ability to identify strongest candidates for extended endocrine therapy among HR+HER2- post-menopausal women December 08, 2022 09:00 AM Eastern Standard Time Read More
Level One Evidence Proves Premenopausal Patients within the Ultra-Low Subset of Agendia’s MammaPrint Low Risk Result Can Safely Forgo Chemotherapy
MammaPrint is the only FDA-cleared gene expression test to identify early breast cancer tumors with an Ultra-Low risk that can safely avoid chemotherapy, with a 99% breast cancer specific survival (BCSS) and 97% distant metastasis Read More